Health Checkup

                                  HEALTH CHECKUPS

From the moment we are born, and even before, we undergo a variety of tests to ensure we are on the right track to good health. As we get older, many of us become more vulnerable to illness. In order to reduce this risk, a number of health checks or screening tests are recommended at different stages of our lives.
What is a health check?
The aim of a health check is to help find, prevent or lessen the effect of health issues. It involves the use of tests, physical examinations or other procedures to detect disease early in people who look or feel well. Early detection, followed by treatment and good control of the condition can result in better outcomes, and lowers the risk of serious complications.

What is the Importance of Health checkup?
Regular health exams and tests can help find problems before they start. They also can help find problems early, when chances for treatment and cure are better. By getting the right health services, checkups, and treatments, chances for living a longer and healthier life increases. Age, health and family history, lifestyle choices, and other important factors impact what and how often one needs healthcare. A health check-up is not just a panel of clinical tests but an opportunity for us to learn about our body along with gaining inspiration to improve the quality of life.

What can a health check involve?
 A health check generally involves:
·         Updating ones medical history and examining their health issues
·         Performing tests if required
·         A follow up of any problems identified
·         Advice and information on how to improve their health.
Pros and Cons of Health Checkups
·         Prevention is better than cure: When one gets to know about a disease early, chances of getting better increases. Treatment processes can be carried on smoothly. The later the disease gets detected; one may need to go through more painful treatment procedures and surgeries. Thus healing process may be longer than what one has expected.
·         Cut healthcare costs: Checkups could also save plenty of money in the long run as they help to minimize the risk of potential health issues that will lower the risks for surgery or more extensive medical care in the future.
·         More productive at work: When one has a healthy body and mind, more productivity at work can be seen. One need not take leaves for seeing doctors time and again.
·         Checkups can save lives

  • Checkups can produce anxiety, discomfort, and exposure to radiation and chemicals.
  • A false positive can be stressful and lead to additional expensive tests and possibly unnecessary treatment. Whereas a false negative, creates a misleading sense of security that could delay a definitive diagnosis.
  • Checkups may give a feeling, of being well taken care of and thereby reduce motivation to take responsibility for one’s own health.

Types of Health Checkups:
There are a number of health checks recommended at different stages of life.
Health checks for:
·         Preconception & pregnancy
                                I.            Pap test
                              II.            Dental check
                            III.            Immunization status check
                            IV.            General health and blood tests
·         Newborns and children
                                I.            Newborn tests and measurements
                              II.            Baby and child health checks
                            III.            Childhood Immunizations
·         20s and 30s
                                I.            Blood pressure
                              II.            Cholesterol and glucose levels
                            III.            Pap tests and pelvic exams
                            IV.            Dental check and cleaning
                              V.            Skin cancer check
                            VI.            Sexually transmitted infections (STI) screenings
                          VII.            Testes examination
                        VIII.            Healthy weight assessments
·         40s
                                I.            Eye check
                              II.            Breast checks
                            III.            Health assessment for people who are at risk of developing chronic disease
                            IV.            Health assessment for people with a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes
                              V.            Prostate check
·         50s and later
                                I.            Breast check and mammogram
                              II.            Bone density scan
                            III.            Fecal occult blood test (FOBT)

                            IV.            Hearing assessment

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